The Institute of Engineering has been collaborating with the University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy (, under the Erasmus Learner Mobility Project KA1712022. As part of this collaboration, several faculty members and graduate students, including Ph.D. and Master’s candidates from Pulchowk Campus, have visited the University of Sannio.
IOE Faculty Visit to Sannio
- Associate Prof. Dr. Indra Prasad Acharya, campus chief, Pulchowk Campus visited the University of Sannio for the project initiation and to make a concrete plan for Collaboration with IoE faculties Prof. Dr. Khem Poudyal on Oct 2023 for 7 days.
- Prof. Dr. Shashidhar Ram Joshi, Dean of the Institute of Engineering visited the university of Sannio between June 17-24th along with Associate Prof. Dr. Nawraj Bhattarai, Associate Prof. Mr. Mahammad Badrudoza and CARD Acting Director Dr. Basanta Joshi identified the perspective avenues for collaboration.
Students Exchange 2024
- Following 4 Masters and 2 PhDs stayed for 3 Months and 6 months respectively and conducted R&D activities at the University of Sannio, Electronics/Instrumentation laboratory of Prof. Pasquale Daponte, an IEEE fellow starting Feb,2024
SN | Name | LeveL |
1 | Naba Raj Khatiwoda | PhD |
2 | Barun Ghimire | PhD |
3 | Baikuntha Kumar Acharya | Msc Eng |
4 | Binita Kusum Dhamala | Msc Eng |
5 | Ravi Gautam | Msc Eng |
6 | Sijan Dhungana | Msc Eng |
- A PhD student Ms. Choedon Choedon from the University of Sannio visited the institute of Engineering and worked under Associate Prof. Dr. Nawraj Bhattarai from Dec 2023 for three months
Sannio Professor Visit to IOE 2024
From September 24, 2024 (Tuesday), a delegation from the University of Sannio, led by Professor Pasquale Daponte, an IEEE Fellow, visited Tribhuvan University and the Institute of Engineering for a week. The details can be found here.
Students Exchange 2025
- The following 4 Masters have been selected to conduct R&D activities based on their MSc thesis proposal at the Electronics/Instrumentation laboratory of Prof. Pasquale Daponte starting from Jan 2025
SN | Name | Program |
1 | Rashika Karki | Msc in Computer Engineering (Data Science) |
2 | Ram Prasad Kusi | Msc in Computer Systems and Knowledge Engineering |
3 | Prakash Dhakal | Msc in Computer Engineering (Data Science) |
4 | Prabin Dhakal | Msc in Computer Engineering (Data Science) |
Sannio Professor Visit to IOE 2025
From March 6th, 2025 , a delegation from the University of Sannio, led by Professor Pasquale Daponte, an IEEE Fellow, visited Tribhuvan University and the Institute of Engineering for a week.