
Message from Acting Director

Center for Applied Research and Development (CARD) is an autonomous research and development center within the IOE. The main objective of the CARD is to carry out the primary mandate of the Institute of Engineering (IOE) to educate students and to impart new knowledge by creating a vigorous and highly visible research environment. CARD has made an effort to establish a research culture and develop leadership at the IOE. It supports all kinds of scholarly activities: fundamental research, applied research, and development contract research in government, non-government and international agencies. It capitalizes on the wide range of multidisciplinary in-house expertise and capabilities of the IOE.

"Our society needs more heroes who are scientists, researchers and engineers. We need to celebrate and reward the people who cure diseases, expand our understanding of humanity and work to improve people's lives."


Recent Activities of CARD


inauguration inauguration adress 285217914_576033633886648_4170629345079215295_n 285478827_431229068464048_3225091279816649334_n 2022-06-04-5 IMG_7376 295255897_615197553212916_4589610453668787274_n 1_IMG_7376 IMG_7501 Opening_Session2 IMG_8975 IMG_8993 IMG_8994 IMG_0661 Opening_Session3 IMG_8948 WhatsApp-Image-2024-11-21-at-12.24.25-PM-1 IMG_2261 IMG_2270 IMG_2272 IMG_8717 IMG_8715 IMG_8739 IMG_8789 WhatsApp-Image-2024-12-03-at-19.14.38 IMG_9554 IMG_9565 IMG_9578 IMG_9611