Participatory Approach for Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Traditional Small Towns in the Kathmandu Valley – A Case of Transitional Role of Guthi in Kirtipur

Ph.D. Candidate: Ms. Sudha Shrestha

Rapid urbanization has created numerous problems in Nepal. Serious threat on heritage, pressure on infrastructure and services, and society has been hanged from homogeneity to heterogeneity, which added social, cultural and religious problems in the society. In Nepal, conservation practices also limited to build heritage only.

Kathmandu Valley consists of many small traditional towns with high, social and cultural values. But because of population pressure in larger cities these small towns are also seriously affected.

Participatory approach is important for cities sustainability. Previously implemented plans and programs failed to introduce participatory approach in Nepal. Although, in Newari community there is a system of peoples participation in the form of guthi (religious trust).

Government had tried to prepare many plans and programs but none of them could highlight above-mentioned problems. Formerly, these were tackled by guthis. Due to various reasons, several guthis are disappearing from the society; conservation of cultural heritage and management of urban services became difficult. This study will try to highlight the essence of guthi mainly participatory approach, which could be utilized by the local government in their future plans and programs to conserve its cultural heritage and maintenance of urban services.