IOE Faculity Capacity Building Training


Looking into the geographical and demographic condition of our country, Access Network, Electricity, and ICT/Automation are the three main pillars of developing the nation. ICT helps to maintain transparency, efficient public service delivery, and better governance. Nepal is a developing country, where there are several potentials for development through the use of Information and Communication Technologies. Localization of modern technologies by research and innovation is required for better implementation for our nation. ICT drives the potential development areas like agriculture, mountain engineering, climate change, hydropower, etc. for the nation. In this regard, both IOE faculties and students should be exposed to the latest trends, especially in the domain of Information and Communication Technologies. 

Center for Applied Research and Development (CARD)in collaboration with University Grants Commission (UGC) and support from AWS Academy and Genese Academy organized 7 days of intensive capacity development training on the “Current Trends in Enterprise Computing” for faculties of IOE. The nature of the program is to build the capacity of faculties of different constituent campuses by exposing them to the latest trends in Enterprise Computing. The faculties will understand the modern trends adopted by the enterprises and will have hands-on experiences in the usage of cloud platforms like AWS.

The training was conducted in two phases. The first phase will be a virtual session from Baisakh 25- Baisakh 29, 2080 (08-12 May 2023) and the second phase will be a physical Session from Jestha 2- Jestha 3, 2080 (16-17 May 2023) from 9:00 am-4:00 pm.



  • The general objective of the training program is to provide knowledge about the recent trends of computing and the computing paradigm adopted by the enterprises to the faculties. The other specific objectives are:
    • To impart the knowledge about the Enterprises Computing Trends and the architectures adopted in developing information system for enterprises
    • To make familiarize with the Evolution of computing and adoption of Cloud Computing in Business
    • To provide intensive hands-on training using the AWS computing environment
    • To record the session and provide resources to interested faculties in future
    • To provide certification to interested faculties
    • Finally, make faculties capable of teaching subjects like “Enterprise Computing”, “Big Data technologies” and other using AWS computing environment.


  • 5 faculties each from Pulchowk Campus, Thapathali Campus, Purvanchal Campus, and Pashimanchal Campus participated in  40 hours of training sessions with hands-on experience in the AWS platform. 

Virtual Sessions

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Physical Sessions

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Closing Session

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