A Memorandum of Understanding was signed in October,2023 between Center of Applied Research and Development(CARD), Ecocity Builders, USA to develop an innovative, open-source Oil Drum Scrubber System aimed at reducing air pollution caused by brick kilns in the Kathmandu valley in collaboration with Green Decision Labs and Research, Nepal. Th project seeks to enhance air quality, protect public health, and advance sustainable development in Nepal. The results of this research and development project will be disseminated as an open-source hardware system through Ecocity Builders, GD Labs, and CARD, providing valuable resources for environmentalists, engineers, policymakers, and civil society organizations worldwide.
Ecocity Builders has been leading the design and development process, with GD Labs facilitating local communication, providing technical expertise, and supporting project implementation. CARD has been proceeding laboratory space and facilitating a research group to carry forward the project. A research team consisting of faculties and students of Applied Science and Chemical Engineering, Pulchowk Campus has been performing experimentation and data collection in coordination with Mr. Samip Subedi and GD Labs Staffs.
On November 26, 2024 (Tuesday), a demo of an end-pipe filter "Oil Drum Scrubber" that is aimed to reduce PM particulates from brick and other small industries was scheduled at Department of Applied Sciences, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk, Lalitpur. A presentation and demo was conducted by Ms. Saragya Gyawali, Ms. Alisha Shakya and Binayak Lamsal (students of Pulchowk Campus) and Mr. Samip Subedi from GD Labs.
The presentation and demo were observed by participants from Lalitpur Metropolitan Municipality, UNDP, ICIMOD, FHI 360 and FNBI. The progress was appreciated by the participants and provided constructive and valuable feedback for further continuation of Research work and real implementation in the Brick Klins of Kathmandu Valley.