Title: Bed Prasad Lohani- A conversation with him and his works
10th June 2022 (14:00 - 16:00 NST)
Dept. Architecture Hall
Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 644 5238 1286, Passcode: 521208
Bed Prasad Lohani designed and built the first concrete structure in Nepal, Saraswoti Sadan in 1944 AD introducing a bold new material to the traditional brick and timber architecture of the Kathmandu Valley. He used the new material and technology to incorporate various elements into his designs, such as inverted beams to give a free-floating cantilever effect to balconies and large overhangs. His buildings are simple and functional, yet innovative in design and structure. In addition to Saraswoti Sadan, his works include Ranjana Hall, Juddha Library, Ashok Hall, Nepal House or Raja Rani Kothi for Padma Sumsher (Ranchi, India), and more.